Monday, March 3, 2025

The Fall of New Rome Release 1

 I have uploaded the first part of my new article, The Fall of New Rome,

The paper discusses why the Fourth Crusade (1203-1204) chose Venice as its embarkation point. It also explores the factors that led to the signing of the Treaty of Venice in 1201 and examines the significant gap between the intentions expressed in the pact and the actual execution of those plans. I have designed two additional parts that will be uploaded later.

  In addition, I have retrieved an updated version of Chapter Two of "The Enchanting Encounter with the East." 

This article compares the estimations of the Earth's circumference made by Greek, Arab, and European scholars, setting the "mean" value of ancient measurements to facilitate their conversion to modern equivalents.

This paper has drawn the interest of many scholars, some of whom participated in the discussion. We talked about the accuracy of data regarding the Greek stadium, which is a unit of length. We also discussed my proposal to convert the stadium into meters.

I am continuing to collect data for my next research unit, "The Age of Gunpowder." I recently got hands on a remarkable book entitled "Gunpowder Galleys: Changing Technology & Mediterranean Warfare at Sea in the 16th Century," written by John Guilmartin. I am reviewing his ideas and trying to develop my own.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

The Age of Gunpowder

 I am working on a new unit in my project titled "The Age of Gunpowder." In this section, I will explore the introduction of firearms on ships in the fourteenth century, the development of heavy ordnance on galleys and sailing ships during the 1400s and 1500s, and the decline of oared armed vessels in the 1700s. I am currently gathering additional data and have just begun the development process.

I read Anderson's "Oared Fighting Ships," focusing on his discussion of Mediterranean galleys, rowing alla sensile and al scaloccio, as well as the armament of the galleass.

Rodger's paper, "The Development of Broadside Gunnery," is also highly informative. In it, he discusses the effectiveness of heavy guns mounted on galleys and describes how sailing ships slowly attempted to match these oared vessels in speed, agility, and the capacity to mount heavy artillery.

 I am currently editing a new chapter on naval tactics titled "The Fall of New Rome," which focuses on the tragic history of the Fourth Crusade. I have divided a lengthy excerpt into three parts. Part I is called "The Rendezvous at Venice." This section describes the gathering of the crusading host at the head of the Adriatic Sea and highlights the leaders' failure to cover the debt for maritime transportation.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

The Age of Gunpowder

I am currently gathering data for a new unit in my project. I found John F. Guilmartin's book, "Gunpowder and Galleys," to be quite informative. It explains why navies took so long to incorporate artillery effectively and discusses the changes in ship construction that transformed galleys into floating artillery platforms.

I have released an updated version of the first chapter of my book, "The Enchanting Encounter with the East:"

This chapter argues that the concept of a spherical Earth was accepted during the Middle Ages. However, many medieval scholars viewed our planet as the fixed center of a revolving universe, often reconciling their beliefs with experimental evidence.

Keywords: John Gower, John of Hollywood, Venerable Bede, Gautier de Metz, John Mandeville, Martin Behaim, Christopher Columbus

On February 2, I will deliver a new Zoom lecture in Russian based on my paper:

The lecture will focus on the siege of Constantinople, which endured a thirteenth-month assault on land and a naval blockade. I will explain why the seat of the Eastern Roman Empire proved difficult to conquer, even against the superior Umayyad forces. I will attribute the Byzantine victory to their skillful resource management, advanced maritime tactics, and support from their Bulgar allies. Additionally, I will contest the notion that the Greek fire was used and will present several alternative explanations.

Keywords: Umayyad Caliphate, Constantinople, Maslama, Leo III, Theodosian Walls, dromon, Greek fire


Friday, January 10, 2025

The Siege of Chandax (2)

My new paper is "out in print" after undergoing thorough editing. This chapter examines the history of Chandax, the capital of the Emirate of Crete (820s-961), and its recapture by the Byzantine army led by General Nikephoros Phokas. The author seeks to align the evidence gathered from both Byzantine and Arab chronicles. Additionally, he includes details about the use of trebuchets, the establishment of military encampments, and the methods used to undermine the walls of citadels.

I have re-edited the opening chapter of my second book, titled "The Enchanting Encounter with the East." The paper "What If the Earth Is a Sphere" examines medieval geography and includes numerous examples and illustrations. It demonstrates that medieval scholars viewed the Earth as a spherical body at the center of a rotating universe. I plan to upload an excerpt from this paper in three weeks. Additionally, I have begun preparing a Zoom lecture about the siege of Constantinople by an Arab army in 717-718, which will be based on my article.

Currently, I am still gathering data on naval guns and related topics. I am reading an intriguing book titled "The Sea in History: Medieval Period," which features many compelling articles about seafaring.