Friday, January 10, 2025

The Siege of Chandax (2)

My new paper is "out in print" after undergoing thorough editing. This chapter examines the history of Chandax, the capital of the Emirate of Crete (820s-961), and its recapture by the Byzantine army led by General Nikephoros Phokas. The author seeks to align the evidence gathered from both Byzantine and Arab chronicles. Additionally, he includes details about the use of trebuchets, the establishment of military encampments, and the methods used to undermine the walls of citadels.

I have re-edited the opening chapter of my second book, titled "The Enchanting Encounter with the East." The paper "What If the Earth Is a Sphere" examines medieval geography and includes numerous examples and illustrations. It demonstrates that medieval scholars viewed the Earth as a spherical body at the center of a rotating universe. I plan to upload an excerpt from this paper in three weeks. Additionally, I have begun preparing a Zoom lecture about the siege of Constantinople by an Arab army in 717-718, which will be based on my article.

Currently, I am still gathering data on naval guns and related topics. I am reading an intriguing book titled "The Sea in History: Medieval Period," which features many compelling articles about seafaring.

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