Monday, March 3, 2025

The Fall of New Rome Release 1

 I have uploaded the first part of my new article, The Fall of New Rome,

The paper discusses why the Fourth Crusade (1203-1204) chose Venice as its embarkation point. It also explores the factors that led to the signing of the Treaty of Venice in 1201 and examines the significant gap between the intentions expressed in the pact and the actual execution of those plans. I have designed two additional parts that will be uploaded later.

  In addition, I have retrieved an updated version of Chapter Two of "The Enchanting Encounter with the East." 

This article compares the estimations of the Earth's circumference made by Greek, Arab, and European scholars, setting the "mean" value of ancient measurements to facilitate their conversion to modern equivalents.

This paper has drawn the interest of many scholars, some of whom participated in the discussion. We talked about the accuracy of data regarding the Greek stadium, which is a unit of length. We also discussed my proposal to convert the stadium into meters.

I am continuing to collect data for my next research unit, "The Age of Gunpowder." I recently got hands on a remarkable book entitled "Gunpowder Galleys: Changing Technology & Mediterranean Warfare at Sea in the 16th Century," written by John Guilmartin. I am reviewing his ideas and trying to develop my own.

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