Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Feedback on "Galley Slaves"

Yesterday, I received some great feedback on my recent article "Galley Slaves." Dr. Dwight C Spratley praised my efforts in communicating history to non-specialists, Rien de Meij suggested that my paper summarizes the current level of knowledge, Hans-Heindrich Nolte asked about differences in oarsmen's conditions throughout the Mediterranean, and Peter Krejsa inquired about considerations regarding the cost-benefit situation. I am grateful for these comments as they will help me delve deeper into the topic.

In the meantime, I have re-edited and published two parts of the prelude to my project on Wattpad. You can access them using the following links:

Additionally, I have prepared a lecture based on my paper "Vettor Fausto's Quinquereme." I will be including illustrations from Joseph Eliav's paper, "The Oar System of the Venetian Quinquereme," which explains a unique rowing system based on 16th-century technology.

I have also been gathering data for my upcoming paper on the War of Chioggia. Ruthy Gertwagen's work "Venice, Genoa and the Fights over the Island of Tenedos" explores the impact of the struggle for domination over Tenedos on the war. Mark R. Filip's "Venetian Foreign Affairs from 1250 to 1381" speculates on the One Hundred Years War between Venice and Genoa and dedicates ample space to the War of Chioggia. Additionally, "Medieval Italy Texts in Translation" provides an extract from the Morosini Codex, which cites the Venetians' first use of naval artillery against the Genoese coastal fortifications.

Friday, July 19, 2024

A lecture on Vettor Fausto's Quinquereme

 I have been preparing another lecture on galleys, which will comprise two parts. The first part is devoted to Vettor Fausto's quinquereme, i.e., a vessel with five oars on each bank. It is based on my article

The second part embraces several topics: nocturnal voyage, operational range, speed, and crew watering. It is based on yet unpublished parts of the article "The Early Light Galleys." 

In the meantime, I continue familiarizing myself with the events of the War of Chioggia (1378-1380), my next target. I want to check the situation in Tenedos (an island at the entrance to the Dardanelles) and Tana (Azov), the northmost Italian trading station at the mouth of the Don River. These locales are associated with the struggle between Venice and Genoa for domination in the Eastern Mediterranean. They are mentioned in the Treaty of Milan (1380), which sealed the war. I started developing ideas and collecting images. 

During my research, I stumbled upon intriguing data about rare collisions between galleys and sailing ships. While these events are uncommon, they are certainly worth mentioning. I am still deliberating whether this topic belongs to the early or later galleys, but it seems to have been overlooked by scholars. 

I am thrilled to share that my audience on Academia has just reached a new milestone--12,000. The last contribution is gaining significant traction, and I am proud to be part of this engaging community.

Friday, July 12, 2024

The Fall of New Rome (6) 

It took me about a week after my return to complete the initial draft of "The Fall of New Rome." I collected numerous notes which I will review while going through the paper. I plan to add illustrations and a conclusion. However, the work is now finished and needs to sit for a while. I have started gathering data for the last chapter of Part III, which is about The War of Chioggia. This was the final clash between Venice and Genoa in their struggle to maintain a trade monopoly with the East. Additionally, I have worked on a magazine version of my first article, "Galleys in the Medieval Mediterranean." I have adjusted the style to make it more accessible to the general public and informal.

I recently renewed my membership as a patron of the Scribd online library, which allows me to borrow entire books for my research. Unfortunately, not all books can be borrowed due to a court decision. For instance, Thomas F. Madden's "Venice, A New History" is only available as an extract on Google Books.

I reviewed the version of "Galley Slaves," an article written for a chapter about Later Galleys (16-18 centuries) and uploaded it on the Academia site:

My research focuses on the diverse individuals who rowed galleys in the Early Modern Mediterranean. I specifically examine the category of rowers known as “galley slaves,” a term that accurately applies to a distinct group of rowers from the sixteenth to eighteenth centuries. Towards the end of the Age of the Galley, the number of rowed warships plummeted, and slave traffic sought other destinations to achieve their nefarious objectives.

I translated to Russian another article, "Vettor Fausto’s Quinquereme,"

as a preparation to a future lecture. It is a very short paper and needs additional materials on other topics to create a meaningful background.

 The article focuses on a sixteenth-century experiment to build a massive galley that was rowed alla sensile, with five oars per bench. Vettor Fausto proposed the idea of a colossal warship armed with a powerful cannon, which later became part of a successful strategy that led to the creation of the galleasses of Lepanto.