Friday, May 31, 2024

The Fall of New Rome (5)

 I will leave for some time, so this post says goodbye. 

Writing of a new draft goes smoothly. I completed parts 1 and 2, and have started part 3. 


Part 1: The Rendezvous at Venice

A: The Untimely Arrival

B: The Treaty of Venice

C: Mustering the Army

D: In Dire Straits

Part 2: The Sack of Zara  

A: The Elegant Exit from the Mess

B: The Departure from Venice and the Capture of Zara

Part 3: The Siege of Constantinople

A: A New Development

B: Leaving Zara   

On June 3, I will deliver a Zoom lecture based on my article, "Latin Galleys, Horse Transports, and Purpose-Built Oared Craft: Medieval Advanced Technology in the Wine-Dark Sea." I am eagerly looking forward to sharing my insights with a broad audience. 

Follow me on Wattpad, where I uploaded two shortened versions of my stories:

This is the exact text as on Academia but without notes. 

When I return, I plan to conclude the draft of "The Fall of New Rome" and upload another story on my Academia page. I will also continue delivering recorded lectures that are  available for a wide audience. 

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