As planned, I completed revising my paper on Niketas Ooryphas and uploaded it to my Academia page:
The Battle of the Corinthian Gulf is significant not for its naval tactics during combat but for the meticulous preparation that preceded the engagement. The victorious commander successfully transported warships overland across the isthmus connecting the Aegean Sea with the western Peloponnese. The exact method of this transport remains a mystery. However, the Byzantine admiral launched a surprise attack against the Cretan Muslims, who were unable to maneuver their ships for a defensive position. While this victory was important, it was not decisive, as Arab warships continued to dominate the Aegean, Ionian, and Adriatic sea lanes. This dominance instilled fear in coastal settlements and posed a persistent threat to the weakened provinces of the Eastern Roman Empire.
Furthermore, I have completed the draft of "The Battle of Chioggia" and left it to sit for a while. All seven articles from the series "The Intricacies of Naval Warfare" are finalized. You can also read two other updated papers:
My lecture on enslaved people in the galley was a success. I was thrilled that over 1,000 participants listened to the recording, and some replied.
The English version of this article is available:
Based on my article, I am developing a new lecture on the Battle of Ad Decimum.