Saturday, November 2, 2019

November 2019 Travail

Dear readers,

I added About section to my profile 
My page on this site includes two chapters from "The Enchanting Encounter with the East". These extracts belong to Unit III, where I tell the story of the Mongol invasion of Central Europe 1241-1242 and the diplomatic overtures between Western powers and the Tartars which sprang up in the aftermath of this war. 

I also uploaded the paper, The Suspension Bridge Across the Abyss, on my site,

Recently, the editor of a Russian language literary and art magazine from the Far East proposed to publish my article, How Wide Spans the Ocean Sea. The paper is unpublished yet as I sent it to an Irish magazine and is still waiting for their decision. I began translating it into Russian which will take some time. It might appear in the January issue. I am going to publish the English version at the start of 2010 both on wattpad and on my site. This article belongs to my third ongoing project about the oceanic route from Europe to India discovered by Portuguese mariners in the course of the fifteenth century.

My special thanks to my American and Ukrainian readers. Due to your interest, I already have over 3 K views of my blog-an achievement which may help promote my books. I wish you left comments so I can make acquaintance with your views. Anyway, my papers are publicly available and open to criticism.